terms and conditions

1) Membership of PRIA as well as PRIA CETP is compulsory

2) The payment of the Annual Subscription ( Contribution of the year ) should be paid before the 31st May of every
financial year.

3) The payment of the Annual Subscription ( Contribution of the year ) is made by cheque in favour of ‘Patalganga &
Rasayani Industries’ Association’.

4) No. cash payment is accepted.

5) Your attendance in Annual general Body meeting of the association is highly appreciated.

6) As and when meeting of the member of association is organized your attendance is highly appreciated

7) The party should enter into Bipartite agreement and should pay Rs. 50,000/- towards security deposit before resume of
effluent tanker.

8) The party should submit MPCB valid consent copy as and when it is renewed.

9) The party should arrange their own tankers for transportation of effluent to CETP plant.

10) Payment should be made within eight days after receipt of invoice of effluent tanker quantity

11) Rates of Annual Subscription

12) Investment in Rs. Rate of Subscription

1. Up to Rs. 10 Lakhs Rs. 5,000/-

2. Up to Rs. 50 Lakhs Rs. 10,000/-

3. Up to Rs. 1 Crore Rs. 15,000/-

4. Up to Rs. 5 Crore Rs. 20,000/-

5. Above Rs. 5 Crore Rs. 25,000/-